domingo, 1 de janeiro de 2017

Straight James / Gay James

Twenty years ago, today,
I took my last drink of King Alcohol.
Breaking probation
After school:
Ken’s dad’s liquor in Ken’s backyard,
With Luke, Ivan, Beau, Matt ‘n Mike.
When Ken’s mom came home
We jumped the fence
And into my father’s
Hand-me-down Honda Accord,
A jumble of bodies on the road,
Over to Matt’s on Christmas Tree Lane.
But Beau had forgotten his weed.
On my way back with Beau,
The Accord went through a stop
On Middlefield Road, and a car
Slammed into our front,
Spinning the Accord.
I chose to drive away,
First a side street,
– letting Beau out –
And then a roundabout way
Back home, where
The cops were waiting.
I was made a ward of the court.
Ivan jumped from a parking
Garage in San Francisco;
Luke is in a rock band;
Ken lives in Japan;
Beau, I don’t know; drunk driving,
Mike lost his license at age thirty-five.
I’ve addicted myself to other things
Like imagination, coffee, and sex.
I put the crazy man I was
Into the crazy men I play;
Acting is my drinking,
Movies are my drugs.
Dumb is me,
As a young elephant I was shy,
From too much attention,
So, speak I didn’t.
A young animal:
At age thirteen, life plunked
Me down in junior high,
Like Dumbo in the circus.
As I grew,
Isolation followed me
And the only recourse
Was to drink hard with the clowns.
Pink elephants
Paraded and sloshed
Through my youth
Until I became a sinister clown,
With a smile painted
So thick
I looked mad-happy, always.
And I never flew,
I never flew.
Straight James / Gay James – Poems, James Franco

James Franco publica el 01/01/2016 un controvertido libro de poesía que Amazon describe como un poemario donde “Franco escribe sobre su vida como actor, su sexualidad, cuestiones de identidad, género, familia, Gucci, Lana del Rey, James Dean y Hollywood”. Una verdadera miscelánea de tendencias e intimidades que sacan al Franco más auténtico.
El libro contiene una entrevista que el ‘James hetero’ realiza al ‘James gay’, como publica el medio Four Two Nine. El resultado de esta locura es la supuesta –y justificada– salida del armario del álter ego gay. “Me gusta pensar que soy gay en mi arte y hetero en mi vida”, confiesa Franco. “Todo depende de lo que signifique ser gay, si se ciñe solo al sexo, soy heterosexual. En los años 20 y 30, se consideraba gay una forma de ser o actuar sin importar con quién te acostabas. Los marineros tenían sexo con otros hombres, pero como eran muy masculinos, no se les consideraba gays”.
Straight James / Gay James – Poems, James Franco

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